The memory in our computers is getting faster - it has to, as our processors get more powerful and software more complicated, so memory has to speed up to feed our data-hungry computers.
RAM (Random Access Memory) is the place where your computer stores all the data it needs right now to help you do what you want - be it play a game or write a letter.
It is different to data stored on your hard disk because it goes away when you switch the power off, disks are called storage because the data stays on them when you power them down.
Now, to make your computer to run faster, a new system called dual channel memory has been developed that, as its name implies, splits the RAM memory into two channels.
With single channel memory the data in RAM only has one route to take to the chip. With dual channels it has two.
"Two memory [modules] work in tandem and they both send information to the processor at the same time," said Marc Bernier of memory manufacturer Kingston Technology. "This means that the overall bandwidth is increased."
Faster memory
One obvious way to get more data throughput is just to speed up the memory modules.
Many of the RAM modules these days are Double Data Rate modules which, again as the name implies, makes data zip through twice as fast. As ever in the hi-tech world the hardware changes and now DDR2 is in wide use.
"If someone bought a PC 12 months ago it probably came with DDR, so if you're looking to upgrade your PC you want to be looking at DDR memory," said Chris Gibson of Corsair Memory."Anything less than 12 months ago will have DDR2 in the system, which is effectively a faster module. In the future - probably six to 12 months away - there'll be DDR3," he said.
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